Heinz Stücke boek Home is Elsewhere


Heinz Stücke boek Home is Elsewhere 2016

De nu 75-jarige Stücke: ‘Zelfs in mijn wildste dromen kon ik mij niet voorstellen waar ik in 1962 aan begon. De fiets werd mijn redding. Het gaf me de vrijheid toe te treden in het leven van anderen en de wonderen en wildernissen van de wereld te ontdekken. Vanaf 2010 heb ik de resterende 60.000 kilometer afgelegd op een Brompton. Die heeft me nooit in de steek gelaten. Zelfs niet op de ijzige vlakten van Canada.’

Brompton heinz Stucke

Heinz Stücke is back where he started: in Hövelhof, the German village he happily cycled away from half a century ago. He visited 196 countries, got through 21 passports, and ended up with a tidy number of 100,000 photos to sort out. He came across Pelé, got pocket money from Haile Selassie, and even slept under the arms of Christ the Redeemer. He cycled more than 648,000 kilometres, most of them on an ordinary gents’ bike, and several thousands on a Brompton folding bike.

Heinz ‘wanted to see it all’. Dutch travel writer Eric van den Berg, who dug into his vast collection of journals, photos, postcards and notes. visited the now 75 year old cyclist to get an answer to that most pressing question: why? His philosophy of ‘home is elsewhere’ comes through in the daily routines, unexpected encounters and inevitable mishaps of a lifelong adventurist and Einzelgänger, and not least through the pictures Heinz took himself.